Franziska Ebert shows her favorite pictures of 30 young female photographers from all over the world, acquainted via flickr. This project is about transferring photographs of great internet artists from their virtual reality onto real walls, printed on real paper.
congratulations! it's important for people to be able to experience these photographs on real paper.
the hyper manikin
kaitlyn: Thank you! I totally agree with you. I wish I could have been there and see the other photographers work irl.
SvaraRaderawow wow wow, You are such an amazing person! I love your photos and the way that You're looking at world.
SvaraRaderagreetings from Poland :))
wiola: Thank you so much, you're so sweet!
SvaraRaderaHei Anna! Du tar heilt nydelig vakre bilder, er ein nytelse å sjå på dei!
SvaraRaderaWow what a terriffic project to be involved in. I love the idea of curating an exhibition from people around the world that you haven't seen or met. I came across your blog via your flickr and your photographs are just stunning.